Egy négylányos apuka felfedi a hisztis, zabolátlan, de imádnivaló igazságot az apaságról
Simon Hooper nem szépíti a tényeket. Négy elragadó, ám szeszélyes kislány apukájának lenni - és úgy egyáltalán, lányos apukának lenni nehéz. Egyedüli férfinek lenni egy háztartásban, öt nő mellett nehéz. 24 éves fiatal felnőttként belevágni az apaságba szintén nehéz.
Ugyanakkor mindez egy izgalmas és fantasztikus utazás a számára, amiből rengeteget tanul. Nemcsak az apaságról, de a feminizmusról és az egyenlőségről egyaránt.
Nem csoda hát, hogy úgy döntött, dokumentálja ezen tapasztalatait, és amellett, hogy egy könyvet írt a témáról, Instagram-oldalán is betekintést enged népes kis családja mókával, nehézségekkel és szépségekkel teli, hullámzó hétköznapjaiba.
Simon valóban nagy utat tett meg attól kezdve, hogy "24 éves férfi-gyerekként fogalma sem volt arról, hogy mit is jelent apának lenni".
Mostanra közel egymillióan követik a szülői nevelés csínját-bínját realisztikus és humoros szemüvegen keresztül bemutató Instagram-oldalát.
Íme néhány gyöngyszem:
#1 A pillanat, amikor minden színészi tehetségedet beveted, hogy tökéletesen megformálj egy Lucy nevű nagymamát a kislányaid teapartiján, ám ők villámgyorsan megunják a játékot...
...és te ott maradsz egyedül - egy 36 éves férfi egy sátorban, furcsa akcentussal töprengve az élet nagy kérdésein, levegőt kortyolgatva egy fa teáscsészéből
One moment I'm method acting the crap out of my role as a granny named Lucy at an exclusive tea party hosted by the twins, the next they've abandoned me quicker than the entourage of a celebrity embroiled in a sex scandal to act out scenes from a budget version of king Kong. In that moment, I transformed from being an engaged parent to a 36 year old man in tent who's been left ponder his life choices whilst talking to himself in strange accents & drinking air from a wooden cup. Isn't parenting wonderful. There's a long list of things I've continued to do when the those with the attention span of an senile goldfish decide to sod off that includes colouring, Lego, playing with dolls & simple puzzles that I time myself to complete because, well, why not! Who else has been dumped mid play & continued on your own? #abandoned #budgetkingkong #thisairislovely #maninatent #fatherofdaughters #dadlife #instadad #fod
27k Likes, 314 Comments - Simon, also known as FOD (@father_of_daughters) on Instagram: "One moment I'm method acting the crap out of my role as a granny named Lucy at an exclusive tea..."
#2 Vajon mennyit tudnak a férfiak a menstruációról?
How much do men really know about periods? As a teenager, periods weren't exactly top of my 'must know more things about' list. In fact, all I knew is that we boys used them as dismissive insults when girls were being short tempered - "oh, she's on her period" - said without ever really understanding how they effect the female body. I was basically an ill informed twat. But now that I'm knee deep in females that will all be premenstrual at some point in the future with me stuck in the middle, I feel the need to know more so I can understand & not just lie helplessly on the tracks, ready to be hit by the monthly run away hormone train that calls at Short Temper town, Sexual Desire Spa, Scatter Brain Central, Premenstrual Stress parkway & terminates abruptly in arguments & me making emergency late light runs to the shop for sanitary products I know nothing about (default to heavy flow stuff - standard) painkillers & enough chocolate to put willy Wonker out of business. So men (or women who answer for their male partners), how much do you know? What is a period? What's a cup? Can you get pregnant on your period? How's the vulva different to the vagina? Do women's periods really sync up and most importantly what's missing from the tray in the picture? We can empathise through learning, so let's share some knowledge. #periods #pmssurvival #fatherofdaughters #dadlife #instadad
24.5k Likes, 1,259 Comments - Simon, also known as FOD (@father_of_daughters) on Instagram: "How much do men really know about periods? As a teenager, periods weren't exactly top of my 'must..."
#3 Amikor az iskolai szünidő és a szabadság nem esik egybe, a végeredmény frusztrált szülő és unatkozó kicsik
Holidays can be hard as although school may have broken up, parents can't always take the time off which means we get caught the middle of trying to be present to meet our children's never ending demands to entertain them like a unpaid court jesters while also trying to do our day jobs. Invariably the result is bored kids and frustrated adults who, had we been graded on our half term performance, would have had red circles all over our work & a note at the bottom saying "not your best effort, see me after class". But then there are those days like today when you realise if we stop putting pressure on ourselves to be all things to all people all the time, we're more likely to relax and just enjoy the simple things like having a ice cream on the beach in February. Dialling down the hectic life we make for ourselves & taking things slow isn't a bad thing. It's something we should all do more off from time to time. Glad school starts tomorrow though! #simplethings #februaryicecream #slowdown #fatherofdaughters #dadlife #instadad #fod
40.5k Likes, 115 Comments - Simon, also known as FOD (@father_of_daughters) on Instagram: "Holidays can be hard as although school may have broken up, parents can't always take the time off..."
#4 Egy ház, amiben négy kislány él, hamar a babák műanyag nudista táborává válhat
Our house is fast becoming a commune for dolls that have cast aside the constraints of clothing & embraced their natural form in all its glory. In other words, it's a plastic nudist camp. I have drawers literally full of fake people rocking all sorts vaginas and penis's, ranging from limbless pound shop dolls with smooth under carriages all the way up to these rather detailed, anatomically correct ones that love nothing more than letting it all hang free, and I for one am tired of having a penis pushed it my face at bed time (there's a sentence I never thought I say). Through hosting this 'celebration of the flesh' I've also learnt that girls think Willie's are hands down, THE most hilarious thing on the planet, which is just great for me. Do boys find vaginas funny? Not that I'm aware. So why is our manhood worth more laughs than a sellout comedy gig? I'm off to get surgery to make myself completely smooth so the laughing will stop. #plasticnudistcamp #willyintheface #dontlaughatit #fatherofdaughters #dadlife #instadad #fod
33k Likes, 782 Comments - Simon, also known as FOD (@father_of_daughters) on Instagram: "Our house is fast becoming a commune for dolls that have cast aside the constraints of clothing &..."